Naked in Death Page 29
“You’re going to the closest health center.”
“No, uh-uh. Can’t stand them. Hospitals, health centers, doctors.” She gave him a glassy-eyed smile and lifted her arms. “Let me sleep in your bed, Roarke. Okay? The great big one, up on the platform, under the sky.”
For lack of anything closer to hand, he took off his jacket and slipped it around her. When he picked her up again, her head lolled on his shoulder.
“Don’t forget Galahad. The cat saved my life. Who’d have thought?”
“Then he gets caviar for the whole of his nine lives.” Roarke snapped his fingers and the cat fell happily into step.
“Door’s broken.” Eve chuckled as Roarke stepped around it and into the hall. “Landlord’s going to be pissed. But I know how to get around him.” She pressed a kiss to Roarke’s throat. “I’m glad it’s over,” she said, sighing. “I’m glad you’re here. Be nice if you stuck around.”
“Count on it.” Shifting her, he bent down and retrieved the package he’d dropped in the hallway in his race to her door. There was a fresh pound of coffee inside. He figured he’d need it as a bribe when she woke up and found herself in a hospital bed.
“Don’t wanna dream tonight,” she murmured as she drifted off.
He stepped into the elevator, the cat at his feet. “No.” He brushed his lips over Eve’s hair. “No dreams tonight.”